The subject of today’s post is an older gas grill that is in need of a new grilling surface and cleaning of the rust & corrosion on the side burner. I had replaced the original wire cook surface, and then replaced that one with a porcelain coated wire one. But after a few years of use, it again has become hard to clean and does not look great. In looking around the net, I came across what to me is a new type of cooking surface called GrillGrate. I liked what I read and the reviews on Amazon were good. So, I bought a set of four GrillGrates that individually measure 5 1/4 inch X 13 7/8 inch and slide together. This created a 22 inch wide surface. After a couple of weeks of use, I have been impressed at how uniform the surface cooking temperature is, no flames can jump through and burn what you are cooking either. Any meat or fish that I have cooked on it has not had any burnt spots just nice sear marks. Even when cooking soft fish like salmon, it is easy to lift & flip and does not fall apart. The learning curve seems to be that you can now cook at a lower temperature using less gas. The chicken and beef cook definitely more moist and juicier. If you like to grill vegetables like I do, the raised rails keep everything off of a flat type old time surface, so that you can hear the juice sizzling below. If you use a spray of olive oil, baste with butter or even any type of marinade, nothing burns. The GrillGrate is a little pricey, but you can tell it is a quality item that is going to last. Well worth the investment in my book. As far as the side burner on our grill goes, it was certainly unsightly. I just used a few 1/4 inch stripes of Simichrome polish squeezed right from the tube and spread it evenly with a paper towel. I have a small buff ball for my cordless drill that makes quick work of properly applying the Simichrome cleaner. Now, nothing is going to get a weathered grill back to looking new, but the Simichrome did an adequate job taking off the rust and corrosion in a few minutes. The dark spots you see in the after photo is where there was no factory finish left. If you would like more information about GrillGrates or want to know where to buy Grillgrates click here. If you could use a little Simichrome polish click here to buy some from our recommended Simichrome polish distributor.